Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Father's Love Letter

Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

My ladies,

How are you? I hope the week is going well for you. With Father's Day coming up, I cannot help but think of the men who have contributed greatly to my life, especially my husband. He is my friend, my lover, my hero! I love him deeply. And while I have been blessed to find the love of my life who happens to also be an incredible father to our son, I haven't always felt so blissful about love or Father's Day.

Like many girls I was raised in a single parent home by my mother. I had so many questions: where's dad, why'd he leave, what's wrong with me? With all the love and attention that my mother gave me, I still managed to slip into the same reckless cycle that most young girls and women slip into: I searched desperately for someone to love me without provocation. I did that for half my life, subconsciously begging guys to love me, or at least say they loved me even if I knew deep down that they didn't have the capacity to do such. I struggled with issues of trust and abandonment, not really believing that anyone would stay around too long. That particular road was tough and brutal, but by the grace of God I managed to end the cycle that was quickly killing my spirit and begin dealing with some of the issues that I had repressed for my entire childhood.

At 19, I ended my long-term relationship and immersed myself in reading the "love letters" of my Father. During that time, I was reminded of my worth, my value, and my beauty. Even with all my issues and brokenness, I was able to find so much validation in His presence and in His word(s). :)

Essentially lovelies, I want the same for you---the same freedom to smile, to laugh, to love and to be loved. I want the same peace for you, knowing that in time the pain and the hurt will subside and you will have joy again.

YOU are beautiful and you DO NOT have to bend the rules, lower your standards, or change the game to receive ANY of this. Being YOU is really enough. Being YOU is beautiful. He sees it. He, being the one that created you in all your beauty and even in all your quirkiness. :) Be yourself sis and trust that the One in whom you believe, and for me that's Christ, will give you everything that you need and desire in this lifetime.

I encourage you to dig a little deeper, go a little further, read a few more of your Father's love letters and believe---as I did---that no one can love you more than the Father. But the man that is willing to die trying perhaps is the one that is worthy of YOU.

Smooches lovelies!
...hugs too!

Monday, June 15, 2009

He's Gotta Love You for YOU

Hey Darlings!

I hope you're feeling great these days and doin what needs to be done to ensure that you're getting proper rest, nutrition, spiritual nourishment, and sleep! I'm a mom, these sort of sentences flow through me effortlessly these days. Sorry! But I still hope you're taking care of yourselves!

I've been super busy the last few weeks with taking care of the baby, the home, and the hubby. Between the three of us the needs are great, but somehow we're finding the patience to handle it all---with grace. Interestingly, the husband has been growing exponentially in his spiritual life and well let me say, it's hot!

In so doing, he said something the other day that really stuck out to me. He said that he was listening to a message with author Jess Maccalum who was discussing his book entitled, "I Married Wonder Woman...Now What?: A Superhero's Guide for Leading and Loving the 'Proverbs 31' Wife" I found what he learned particularly interesting: respect your wife's ambitions and give her the room to make mistakes, build her home, and work her business or businesses---without giving her slack and a lot of well---his opinion! I'm paraphrasing but this is definitely good news because even being in 2009, there are still many men who think that we---the women, the wives---are good for nothing more than cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the kids. It's quite refreshing to know, the there's an army of men who are eager to embrace their ladies as "helpmates" and not "helpers". Trust me, there's a difference.

I say all this to say ladies, if you're following in the footsteps of the Proverbs 31 woman---she who is up before everyone and down when everyone has gone to bed; who is busy working her land, taking care of her helpers and/or employees, and ensuring that her family is prepared, in and out of season---then it is a MUST that you link with a partner whose going to bless you and praise you for who you really are. Anything less just won't due, and settling will only lead to resentment later. But if you are already linked to someone whose having trouble with this concept and you wanna give that rascal another chance, maybe you could drop a hint---and a book on his head so he can get a clue!

All the best in life and love!
...and hugs too!

Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm Back and I'm Better!

Friends, Homies, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears!


I can’t believe how long it's been since I've shared and conversed with you! I've missed you...the advice, encouragement, and topic suggestions. If it’s any constellation, I haven’t just been wasting time. I’ve been pretty busy: performed in various films and industrials, sang for President Obama’s Inaugural Celebration on the Lincoln Memorial steps, wrote a play, started an entertainment company, and started planning the company’s launch for September. It’s been a super crazy year and I’m having a blast! Hope you are too!

There's a lot goin on on my side of the world, and I'd love to hear what you're up to. Hit me up and share your successes and even your struggles. I wanna celebrate and grow with you! LET'S GO!

…Hugs too!