Thursday, January 31, 2008

No Excuses!


It's been too long! I'm hoping that you're doing great and that you're still excited about all the fabulous things you said you would accomplish this year! I know that life has a way of making you feel disqualified from all things fabulous. But don't believe the hype! You deserve every incredible thing that you could ever consider. You're fabulous! I believe in you! So let's get going!

Like you, I have various goals that I would like to see accomplished this year. One particular goal that I'm working on right now is losing my baby weight. While pregnant, I had a MAJOR proclivity to steak and cheese sandwiches! It was vicious! I ignored all these new reports that tell you how much weight you can gain and just ate when I was hungry! ya mean! But the baby's here now and he's super healthy. So it's time for me to get back on my game. :)

Now, I'm no fool. It took me 9 months to gain 40 lbs, so I'm not expecting to lose it overnight. BUT, I surely can't stop there and begin making excuses for myself. I recently started a new fitness program and I'm loving it! But there are definitely days when I feel more discouraged than I do inspired because I feel so far away from my goal. My husband says depression and feeling sorry for myself won't get me anywhere. Lemme tell ya, that was pretty hard to hear. I was expecting him to join my pity party. I had the table set for two! LOL! But he's right. Being sad about not currently being at my goal doesn't benefit me. Therefore, I'm declaring to YOU that I WILL continue to workout every day! I WILL continue to eat healthy and take care of my spirit by praying and reading the Word. I'm going after a better me this year! No excuses!! Won't you join me? :)

...hugs too!