Friday, February 22, 2008

I'll Be Happy When...

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7, NIV)

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content." (Phillipians 4:11, ASV)

Happy Friday Homegirls!

I don't know about you, but I'm quite happy that it's Friday. This has been a crazy week for me and the fam. We're definitely looking forward to having a little down time this weekend.

Lately, I've been hanging onto a new slogan "Happy Girls are Pretty Girls!" Often times I find that people's happiness is wrapped up in stuff. We say, "I'll be happy when..." and put our happiness on layaway while we seek to acquire more; whether it be a new car, a new man, a new job, a new body... I could go on, but I think you already feel me. Right? This mentality is so dangerous because it leaves us with a feeling of dissatisfaction that infiltrates every category of our lives. Don't get me wrong, I am a major advocate for change if it means it's going to render a better YOU. But wherever you are in life, be grateful. It could be a lot worse...the situation could have killed you. You could have lost your mind after that last storm. But you're still here! You're incredibly beautiful! You can be happy now! You can have joy, NOW!

Decide today ladies that whatever it is that needs to change, you're gonna pray for the will and the strength to do "it" better. But don't forget to thank God for how good he's already been to you. You are already a fabulous woman to the Father. Find rest in knowing that whatever you need, you can always find in Him; including joy. No longer should your happiness be contingent upon the next man's decision to love you or your ability to purchase a brand new house. With no prospects of a new boo or new money or new shoes or whatever "new" you think you need, be courageous and take a look at what's good and lovely around you. I'm positive that when you do, you'll be ready to say, "I'll be" ;)

With the greatest confidence in your destiny,

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!


I'm hoping that you've got something lovely planned, whether it be for you and your boo or just for you! This love-ly occasion sort of caught me by surprise and so I'm trying to determine the best gift to give my hubby for Valentine's Day. But even now as I run through the list of things that I could do, I consider the significance of treating him like a king everyday and not just for this occasion. Unless I love him, deeply and fully, everyday with my whole heart, the gift I give is simply in vain. My point? Don't let this day be the one and only day that you share your heart and your time with the one you love. Stay open, remain vulnerable, keep giving and love harder. It's risky, yes. But loving him with your whole heart will feel like heaven. Mmmm.

Lots of hugs and kisses!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Table for One Please

What's up Sweeties!

The weekend is almost here and I'm hoping that you're already planning to have a fabulous one! :D Yesterday, I was talking to a friend after she got back from having gone on a retreat by herself over the weekend. She said it was incredibly challenging and yet extremely liberating! Why? Because she was finally able to enjoy spending time in solitude...just her, her thoughts, her spirit, her mind, her heart. No girlfriends. No boyfriend. She was completely absent of distractions...maybe a little lonely at times. But she's back, she's refreshed and she's fabulous! We could learn a lot from her courageous adventure.

Many of us are so busy whether it be meeting the demands of work, school, family, church, and/or friends. We say "yes" to every invitation and answer every phone call. But we put the need to build our spirit and our mind on hold while we constantly give. As a result, we become depleted of our virtue. Our prayer life suffers, our thought life worsens and we soon become unrecognizable to others and ourselves. I don't believe that's how it's meant to be. We deserve more and we're definitely worth more.

If you're having trouble finding joy in your own company, then I encourage you to dig a little deeper. There's nothing we can offer others if we are not full of joy and peace. We owe it to ourselves and those we serve to do what it takes to be our best! So it may mean turning down a few dates and invitations to dinner parties. It may mean that we have to cut the phone off so we can have enough time to spend with God, searching and seeking a more excellent way for our lives! We got one chance ladies! This life is not a dress rehearsal. I keep reminding myself that if I don't take my life, my destiny and my gifts seriously, I will inevitably end up wasting my life! Mistakes, time lost, poor choices, the past---doesn't matter. What matters right now is that we do everything we possibly can to get that incredibly beautiful heart of ours pumping to a rhythm of love; confident about our worth, convinced of our value.

So this week, I challenge you to join me in beginning/continuing our journey to becoming and being whole. Ask God to search your heart, to reveal areas in your life that need more of Him and to give you the strength and desire to seek Him for a better you. Make prayer and time by yourself a priority. You're so worth it. Be courageous girlfriend. Be quiet. Seek your Father. Grow. Laugh. Cry. Cry some more. Laugh some more. You'll be better. You'll be stronger. I promise.

I love you,

Monday, February 4, 2008

Cater 2 U

Ladies, Ladies!

Remember the song by Destiny's Child called, "Cater 2 U"? I don't know about you, but that was my soooong. :) It was so, soooo sexy and I was always swaying my hips around the house while singing it to the top of my lungs! LOL! Can I get a witness? Anybody?? hahahah!

No doubt the fellas were feelin it too. Finally, a song that promoted a woman finding value in taking care of her man. And as ladies, we signed up for least for the moment. But soon the song's popularity faded, another song became the next hit, and the fellas were left gettin their own do-rags and slippers.

Now I'm a modern day woman just like you. Working hard to build a career that I'm proud of, all while I tend to the needs of my family...and they are ever growing! :} It's no easy task. But I think some of us, in this modern society, no longer value taking care of our men. We call them lazy if they ask for a glass of water, horn balls if they wanna have sex often, and pathetic if things in their hustle go south. We let ourselves go and then badger them about how we look in "that" dress. We give our Pastors more respect than we do our men and then wonder why they have absolutely no interest in joining us at the Sunday service. Our men want our love, devotion and respect. Lest we give it to them, we both stand to suffer. They need what we have to offer: the gentleness of our femininity, our commitment to be whole and happy, and our respect for what they're trying to accomplish. So ladies, if you got a man that's doin his thing, hustlin to put all the pieces together so you can be happy...then perhaps you might wanna rethink meeting some of those small, basic, seemingly trivial needs. Chill and take another approach that will honor him. I'm positive that it will be a gift that keeps on giving... :)
