Saturday, November 24, 2007 Purpose

Hey Ladies!

I hope you had a yummy Thanksgiving! Mine was pretty terrific, especially since I had a new little person at the dinner table! My son, Elijah, was feasting from a bottle; but, he was still very much a part of the festivities!

Lately lovelies, I've been thinking alot about purpose. There are soooo many things that I want to accomplish in my lifetime and I don't feel like I have any time to waste. But wouldn't you agree that it's so easy to lose time? Whether you're wasting it being lazy or losing your's so easy to become distracted by other things that have absolutely nothing to do with your journey! Unfortunately, when you finally "wake up" you're disappointed that you didn't maximize your time and talents better. Well, I don't want to go down that road any longer. As a result, I've taken the time to really pray and consider my purpose. I think it's important to begin to clearly define it now, before I really start building. It makes sense. Never has an architect built anything without a blueprint. Neither should we begin to build a business or begin a new career without considering whether the decision supports who we really are and compliments our purpose. Now I'm not one of those spooky folks that believe purpose just falls out of the sky! I believe that very experience, every tragedy, every accomplishment gives clues, if not reveals your purpose.

For me, I have a proclivity to helping women and children. When I hear disheartening stories about them, I cry, become angry and/or deeply concerned as if they're my family! No matter how many stories I hear, my heart has yet to become unaffected when it comes to them. As a result, I have several ideas as it relates to helping women and children; and not only in ways that would be considered extraordinary. There are so many ways to walk in purpose and it not be considered incredible to the general public. But if it compliments who I am and what I'm here to do, who cares! That's me and I'm gonna do me! You feel me?

As I mentioned before, it's so easy to lose sight of what you're supposed to be doing during your lifetime. Therefore, I've decided to write down my purpose in great detail. In addition, I've asked a couple of people to hold me accountable to it. Why? So when something "more spectacular" comes along and works to steal my focus, I have some folks in my corner who can reel me back in! LOL!

Now that I'm clear and have courageously accepted my purpose, I'm driven to really move forward without hesistation! So ladies, search your heart to consider your purpose. If you see another sista struggling, be a true sister and challenge her to consider her purpose as well. They say it's lonely at the top, but it doesn't have to be if you pull up the ones you love!

Hugs and kisses!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Time for Some Action!

Whatever God's dream about man may be, it is certain that it cannot come true unless man cooperates. ---Stella Terrill Mann

Hey Ladies!

How are you? I hope you had a fabulous weekend and that you did something special for yourself like taking a nice long bubble bath or watching your favorite movie. If you didn't, then try to make plans to do something for YOU this weekend. You deserve it! As for me, I've been feeling quite inspired lately. My creativity has been in overflow! I'm so excited about getting some of my ideas off the ground. I feel like I'm finally beginning to embrace the woman that I always knew I'd be. It feels great to be true to myself and begin taking action steps towards more of my goals and dreams. So let me ask you ladies, what dreams and goals are in your heart that you're dying to see come true?

If you're anything like me, sometimes too many ideas can actually become paralyzing. I tend to plan too much. Before I know it, I'm all caught up in the administration portion while my creativity becomes dull. After awhile, I find myself so overwhelmed that I end up not taking any real action steps towards accomplishing my goal. But overtime, I've developed a few strategies that have helped me become much more productive!

1. Keep an idea log. Don't let your good ideas fall prey to a bad memory. You have enough to remember and quite frankly, you don't need the added pressure. So get yourself a nice little journal the size of your average purse and jot down all your ideas in there. Not only will you have a place to refer to when your feeling inspired instead of scraps of paper, but you can continue to build upon your ideas as new ones come along! I just picked up a new journal that I love to write in cause it's super cute! Now if I could just keep up with my pens! hahahha!

2. Make a list of action-items for each idea and be specific. So now that you have your list of ideas, it's time to get to work! No more talking about it or dreaming about it! It's time to get whatever "it" is, done! Dream big! Write down every step that it would take to accomplish a particular goal. If you've decided to buy a new home, then you've got to determine where you'd like to live, how much you can afford, what your spending plan should be, etc. So instead of saying I want to move into a new home "someday" determine that you want to move within 12 months and what it's going to take to meet that goal in that amount of time. That action-item list will keep you on track and keep you focused. So take some time to make one. You'll be so glad you did!

3. Do at least one item from your list EVERYDAY! Ok so now you have your list. Great! Now it's time to put this plan into action. You must do at least one of the action items on your list everyday. Whether it's doing research, making calls, or networking, it's imperative that you do something towards your goal every single day. EVERY-SINGLE-DAY, NO EXCUSES! Trust me cuties, you'll feel much better and learn a ton about yourself as you work to accomplish your goals. Ironically, you'll also provide room for more ideas!

Overall ladies, the moral of the story is that we have to honor every gift, every idea, every goal that we may have residing in our minds and hearts. Let's not take any of our gifts for granted. Let's write them down, determine in our hearts that we will do them and then work it! No more ambiguity! The gray area is reserved for fear. We have nothing of which to be afraid. We are strong, we are smart, and we are loved. Now let's GO get what's for US! Shoot me a note and let me know what you're doing. I wanna hear about it!

love you!

....hugs too!